Monday, May 6, 2013

My brownies are becoming famous


Okay, so I haven't read the email, but luckily all the questions are in pink, cause I think I'm just going to answer the questions and write.  A lot happened this week.  So to answer your first question about transfers . . . . well, it's a long story.

(Due to the personal nature of Saydi's trial with a companion, I am not including any details. I will tell you that she needs you, her friends, to pray for her and write to her.)

The rest of the week  was good, we saw a lot of miracles, but we were emotionally exhausted, and literally counting down the days until pday. But our teaching has improved and our investigators are progressing now. We found 3 new families this week. The Lord truly does bless his righteous servants.

So that was my week. Fun right? But I am so excited for this next transfer, Hermana Leyva and I are going to tear it apart!

I got mail this week from the boys and dad. That cabin trip sounded awesome! Oh, and Harrison . . . I'm so jealous you were in Hawaii.  Oh I miss it! Also, shout out to Kelly Griffen . . . your letter was so great! Thanks for writing, honestly, that was probably the highlight of my week, hearing from an old friend.  Hopefully you will be getting my return letter soon, but Chilean mail really isn't that good . . . jajaja.  Also, thank you Grammie for always writing me, and of course Amanda!

So my brownies are becoming famous here, as well as my Oreo balls.  Everyone knows I'm the gringa who bakes.  We planned a noche de hogar with a part member family because they wanted me to teach them how to bake, and they invited all their friends.  Ha ha, it was great!

I'm still frustrated with the language, and sometimes I feel like I don't pull my weight in the companionship because I can't contribute as much to lessons, or conversation.  It just feels like an impossible task to learn a language.  I wonder if there will ever be a day when I stop thinking about verb conjugations and reflexive verbs and just talk.

As for Mothers Day, we know who we are skyping with, as far as time . . . my companion has to coordinate with her family because they have three missionaries out who all need to call home. My guess is around four or five my time, but I will get to email you in the week the definite time.

So that's really all I had planned to say.  Well, I was going to talk about all the families we are teaching . . . but that would take forever! But I do want to talk about P**.  So in my 1st email I mentioned her, about how she wanted to know what church was true.  Well, this week we went back to teach her and she is just so prepared for the gospel. She read the chapter we left her in the Book of Mormon and then some. She had so many questions about what she read. She is just so hungry to learn and she told us she knows it's true.

We went back on Saturday to teach her and her husband with a member. It was a great lesson.  The member told his story about how he found his answer.  What happened is he had been praying to know what church was true and then presto, the missionaries showed up at his house! He said he knew that was answer to his prayer. THAT'S THE SAME THING THAT HAPPENED TO P**! She accepted a baptism date after that and came to church the next day all by herself! Her husband is a little harder to work with, and we are praying that the Lord will soften his heart.

We also found a great family last night. It started out as a normal contact, and they really weren't interested. We asked when we could come back to share more and they gave all the normal excuses . . . oh, I work, I'm never home. But then as we started just talking to them as people and took an interest in their lives, they opened up. We talked for about 15 minutes just in the doorway, and at the end when we asked if we could come back, they said yeah, on Wednesday or just whenever the light is on!  Wow! What a 180 degree turn! The Lord truly does soften hearts.

Hermana Leyva and I make a great team. Yesterday when we called in our numbers to the zone leader, he said he was surprised. He said that they didn't expect us to have the greatest numbers because we are both new, but we proved them wrong! jajaja, our zone leaders are great! Each one of those numbers we reported was a person, a Child of God, and Hermana Leyva and I know them and we are worried about them, we pray for them and study for them. That is a huge difference than what it was before.

So, that's my life. Oh, if you ever feel like sending Mary Kay makeup remover I would be ever so grateful and box mixes are always well received.  I always Love everything you send! Oh, next week could you email me the cinnamon roll recipe?

I'm so excited to talk to you guys! I miss you all so much and love you! I pray for you by name every day . . . which definitely adds time to my prayers. I love the pictures. You boys are too good looking for your own good. Also about the tarantula . . . yeah, not really sure what possessed me, but I just couldn't pass that up!

Les Amo MUCHO!!
Con Amor
Hermana Ostler

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